About ORC

Liam Henry Hough, Consultant, ORC

Just as Caesar talked about how in war, major events come from trivial causes, I’m a big believer that this is true in most areas of life. Often the expectation that major effects have to come from emotionally satisfyingly major causes blinds us to data-driven, but less emotionally appealing, actions that could create a much bigger positive change. Integrating less common and less rigidly domain-specific information could be what is really needed to tackle major organisational challenges and get ahead of those missing opportunities due to ‘big event- big cause’ thinking.

Finally, as someone consulting in the private sector, with an academic background in politics, with experience helping to organise various campaigns and with professional managerial experience in the nonprofit sector, I can tailor information to a wide range of organisational requirements and viewpoints.’

‘I started Organisational Resilience Consultancy to translate lesser-known info into practical guidance.

I’ve always had a passion for big questions, niche perspectives and for remembering and utlitising large amounts of lesser-known information (and while pursuing postgraduate education, a few fellow students remarked that ‘there was actually a surprising study that shows…’ was pretty much my catchphrase).

However, as someone with a lot of life experiences, skills and past projects (such as being a chess champion to having a passion for AI to working for a refugee charity) that don’t easily fit into one way of making a difference, I wanted to offer a unique, study-driven perspective on a range of key issues.

New information and analysis- to do what works, not what we think should work